Thursday, October 8, 2009

Finally, a blog!

Here it is, 2 months into my year in Israel, and I'm finally creating a blog. I'd written a few of posts earlier in the summer/fall, and just never got around to posting I'll post them now, with the dates that I wrote them. I also wrote a few other posts, just to fill in the gaps.

My year is off to a great start--classes at Pardes are going well, and my apartment and roomates are great. It's been busy--classes for the month of Elul (the month preceding Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur) were all focused on preparing for the High Holidays and doing T'shuvah (repentance; literally, return), which was intense. Plus, a whole new environment, new people, new classes...

Right now it's Sukkot break, and I actually just got back from an amazing trip to Egypt--more on that in a few days when I get a chance. For now, let's start with those old posts...

Shanah Tovah--a Good (New) Year, and Chag Sameach--happy holiday to all!

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