Thursday, March 11, 2010


So Purim was a little less eventful than expected, mainly because of rain. I didn't end up experiencing Purim in Tel Aviv; it was raining, the street party was canceled, and most of my friends who had planned on going changed their minds (boo). But, I certainly celebrated Purim in Jerusalem (Shushan Purim)!

Sunday night I headed to Pardes for a community megillah reading. On my way there, I saw many people in costume and getting ready for the holiday--it was definitely fun to be somewhere where dressing in costume is the norm instead of just for the kids. After the megillah reading, Pardes had a giant Purim spiel, with each class level doing a skit, as well as anyone else who wanted to (it included such highlights as "the Hamentaschen (Vagina) Monologues" and a teacher parodying Pardes life in song). Afterwards, I celebrated at a friend's apartment.

Monday, Natalie and I gave Mishloach Manot (gift baskets with food) to our neighbors, and headed to our teacher Meesh's house for a seuda (meal). Again, on the way there, we saw others celebrating, dressed in costume, delivering mishloach manot. Our teacher hosted an incredible number of students for a barbecue meal at her house--we even had enough people who knew different chapters of the megillah that we were able to have an afternoon reading for those of us (myself included) who'd slept in and missed hearing megillah in shul that morning! All in all, a good time, and really nice to feel that I was amidst a community celebrating with me, amidst a city celebrating with us.

In other random news, last night Natalie and I were prevented from crossing Derech Hevron (a big street near us) on the way to a friend's birthday party. They had completely cleared the middle lane (usually for buses and taxis), and stopped all traffic on all sides of the intersection, including pedestrians. Why? Because Joe Biden was about to drive by, of course! So we got to see his convoy come by.

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